| Önkormányzat
2020. december 21. 15:29

Plundering Our Towns Is No Governance!

Plundering Our Towns Is No Governance!
Instead of helping those in need, the Hungarian Prime Minister executes Hungarian local governments.

Halving the business tax has nothing to do with dealing with the economic crisis; it only has to do with Fidesz's policy of power.

From this revenue, local governments across the country provide public services for all, local public transport, garbage collection, road maintenance, public lighting, green space management, social payments, theatres, cultural and sports activities. The performance of these tasks is jeopardized by the decision of the Prime Minister. The individual compensation promised to settlements of more than 25,000 people will be distributed by the government on a political basis, at the whimsy of Viktor Orbán.

We call on those Hungarian local governments that want to protect the public services provided to their citizens and their own ability to act to a joint protest. We must act together against a government decision made as a result of dark intentions that evoke dark times. As a sign of their protest, the municipalities that join shall switch off the decorative lights in their settlements from 7 pm on 23 December in defence of public services.

With this, we want to draw the attention of the citizens living in our settlements to the importance of the public services provided by local governments. We want to emphasize our demand that the government revoke its decision to halve the business tax, which amounts to the execution of local governments.


Gergely  Karácsony, Mayor of Budapest

László Botka, Mayor of Szeged

András Nemény, Mayor of Szombathely

Péter Márki-Zay, Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely

László Csőzik, Mayor of Érd

Attila Péterffy, Mayor of Pécs

Tamás Pintér, Mayor of Dunaújváros

Ilona Szűcsné Posztovics, Mayor of Tatabánya

Klára Nyirati, Mayor of Baja

István Leidinger, Mayor of Pomáz

Zsolt Fülöp, Mayor of Szentendre

György Gémesi, Mayor of Gödöllő

Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika

Péter Hegedűs, Mayor of Balmazújváros

Tamás Wittinghoff, Mayor of Budaörs

József Tóth, Mayor of Polgár

Antal Máté, Mayor of Nyírbátor

György Fülöp, Mayor of Tiszaújváros

Béla Schwartz, Mayor of Ajka

Róbert Lengyel, Mayor of Siófok

Csaba Balogh, Mayor of Göd

Gábor Üveges, Mayor of Hernádszentandrás

Miklós Hatvani, Mayor of Isaszeg

István Vécsi, Mayor of Ricse

Márta V. Naszályi, Mayor of District 1 of Budapest

Gergely Örsi, Mayor of District 2 of Budapest

László Kiss, Mayor of District 3 of Budapest

Tibor Déri, ​​ Mayor of District 4 of Budapest

Tamás Soproni, Mayor of District 6 of Budapest

Péter Niedermüller, Mayor of District 7 of Budapest

András Pikó, Mayor of District 8 of Budapest

Krisztina Baranyi, Mayor of District 9 of Budapest

Imre László, Mayor of District 11 of Budapest

József Tóth, Mayor of District 13 of Budapest

Csaba Horváth, Mayor of District 14 of Budapest

Angéla Cserdiné Németh, Mayor of District 15 of Budapest

Sándor Szaniszló, Mayor of District 18 of Budapest

Péter Gajda, Mayor of District 19 of Budapest